
Thomas F. Saffell Library

A person reading a book

Thomas F. Saffell Library is centrally located and considered the academic hub of campus, maintaining print and electronic collections that support the multiple disciplines and curricula offered by GCCC. With its dozens of subscription databases students can search millions of periodical citations and discover a wide range of full text articles through multiple journals, magazines, newspapers, and other electronic references. Saffell Library also has a large print monograph collection arranged in open stacks for convenient use and browsing.

Student facilities include study tables and quiet rooms for individual and group meetings, along with 40+ individual study carrels, each housing its own computer. The library is Wi-Fi enabled so students are encouraged to bring their own devices. Library staff offer formal and informal instruction for using information resources effectively, efficiently and ethically.  Also located in the building is the Mary Jo Williams Comprehensive Learning Center.


Library Hours

  • Monday - Thursday:

    8:00 AM - 7:00 PM

  • Friday:

    8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Saturday:


  • Sunday:




Off-Campus Access for Research Databases!

Saffell Library users may now access all of our research databases off-campus. By clicking on the links under "Research Databases" students will be asked to input their college issued network credentials* as follows:

USERNAME:   firstname.lastname (i.e., john.doe)

PASSWORD:   Your initial Password is the first initial of your first name (lowercase), the first initial of your last name (uppercase) and your birthdate (8 digits) in the MMDDYYYY format (i.e., if your name is 'John Doe' and your DOB is March 20, 1985, your password is jD03201985)

*Note: Staff and Faculty will continue to use their respective network login usernames and passwords.