TRIO Student Support Services

TRIO Student Support Services

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Table of Contents


TRIO Student Support Services is a federally funded program through the U.S. Department of Education. At GCCC, we provide more comprehensive support services to help students transition, navigate and succeed in higher education. Our services are FREE and include: 

Academic Advising

Comprehensive and ongoing assistance with course selection and graduation plans, choosing majors and careers, and transfer school planning.

Academic Support

Workshops on a variety of topics that enhance skills necessary for success, such as time management, test-taking strategies, stress management and more.

Peer/Mentor Tutoring

TRIO SSS participants with Tutor Essentials training provide tutoring and supplemental instruction to strengthen academic performance.

Financial Literacy/Financial Aid Assistance

Assistance completing FAFSA forms and scholarship applications, workshops focused on increasing financial literacy with session on budgets, loans, and funding options.

Space and Referrals

Study area with computers and free printer, connections to useful resources.

Cultural and Educational Activities

Activities throughout the year to expose students to cultural richness and diversity. These activities may include trips to museums, theatre productions, and historically significant sites. 

Career Counseling and Planning

Provide participants with information and access to Pathful Explore, the complete college and career readiness system that helps students decide what they want to be and how to prepare for life beyond the classroom.

University and College Tours

All-expense paid trips to both in-state and out-of-state campuses with individualized academic advising.

TRIO SSS students and tutors sitting around a fireplace


Eligibility Requirements

Students must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident and belong to a family where neither parent completed a Bachelor's Degree or belong to a family whose income qualifies them as having a taxable income as indicated by the U.S. Department of Educationor have a documented disability. 


How To Apply

Complete our online Application or come to the Saffell Library lobby and get a paper application. You can also talk with one of the SSS staff for more information or help completing the form.  


Our Staff

Dana Nanninga, Director

(620) 275-9660
To schedule an apt: 

Johana Gonzalez, Advisor

(620) 276-9674 
To schedule an apt: 

Evelyn Irigoyen-Aguirre, Advisor

(620) 275-3268 
To schedule an apt: 

Kurt Peterson, Tutoring Coordinator

(620) 275-3245 
To schedule an apt: 

Daisy Saavedra, Data Coordinator

(620) 276-9670 
To schedule an apt:


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