

The theatre program is open to students who want to major in theatre arts, and students who want to continue learning about theatre after high school even if they major in another content area. We offer scholarships that can cover tuition and/or books depending on your level of involvement.

The goal of the department is to develop the complete theatre student. In two years of study you will have the opportunity to perform, design, build, and run up to six different productions gaining experience in modern drama and comedy, experimental works, original works, musical theatre, and classical dramas and comedies.

The company is a student centered program. All shows are designed, performed and run by students and community members. We need people with many gifts and talents and we collaborate frequently with the GCCC Art and Music Programs.



One of the most exciting opportunities is our involvement with the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, in which students submit set, costume, lighting, and sound designs compete for Irene Ryan Acting scholarships, and participate in original play writing festivals.

We are very interested in meeting with you to discuss how our program can meet your educational goals.  No experience is necessary to participate. We simply need positively motivated individuals who are willing to work together to accomplish a busy and ambitious season. We produce three major productions per year and freshmen students are often cast in lead and supporting roles.

Students are actively involved in each of the elements of production from design to construction to performance. For each show students compete for set, costume and lighting design opportunities. Once awarded, productions are built under the supervision of the theatre director and students who assume major responsibilities such as technical director, costume shop foreman, and others. Students learn the tools of stagecraft and performance through firsthand experience. 

 Scholarship Opportunities

Students do not have to major in theatre to be considered for scholarships, but those students who do plan to major in theatre arts will be given first consideration. Visit the Financial Aid page for more information about grants and financial aid which you may be eligible for. 


Your advisement in the Drama program is provided directly from the Drama instructors.  These instructors also hold office hours in the Pauline Joyce Fine Arts Building.