Apprenticeship Coordinator
Stephanie Knight
(620) 276-9593
Vice President for Instructional Services/CAO
Marc Malone
(620) 276-9597
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Registered Apprenticeships
GCCC's Registered Apprenticeship option combines on-the-job training with related technical instruction to build a qualified workforce in industry areas with a shortage of qualified workers and/or for businesses who want an alternative way to start developing their workforce faster. Apprenticeships don't have to be technical in nature - they can include all industries such as office careers and educators.
GCCC will serve as the Intermediary, helping the business to turn its training needs into a recognized, Registered Apprenticeship. As an intermediary, the college will design structured on-the-job learning paired with related technical instruction in a credit-based college program. We will also also manage the required paperwork and tracking of apprentices, making sure the employer can focus on what it does best.
Apprentices must work full-time with the employer, and during that time, the employer participates in structured, on-the-job learning activities, working with existing employer mentors. As apprentices work through the apprenticeship, their wages increase by defined amounts at defined times the employer can plan for.
Apprentices are paired with related technical instruction on campus through one of our existing credit-based programs. This provides opportunities to make connections between their in-class and on-the-job learning, solidifying their understanding and capability in the workforce.
Benefits to Industry
- New or upskilled employees are trained the way you need them, ready to succeed in your industry
- Apprenticeships can be flexible - time-based, competency-based, or a hybrid of the two - to suit your needs
- Using existing on-campus programs means you don't need a cohort to make a program “go”-- employers with 1 or 2 employees can still benefit
Benefits to Individuals
- Completion of a Registered Apprenticeship provides credibility to future employers
- Apprentices must be paid for on-the-job training hour
- Pursue meaningful education at little to no cost to the student
- $50 per-credit-hour Apprenticeship Fee in addition to tuition and college fees
- GCCC's goal is an apprenticeship is free to the apprentice (apprentices get paid to learn) and is cost-effective for the employer
- GCCC will work to screen apprentices for eligible savings--apprenticeships are eligible for WIOA funds and Kansas Promise Scholarships (if completing an eligible credential)
- Costs are supported by industry partners